Embracing Your Cycle
Sun Feb 9, 2025 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Yaseen Burlingame Center
Allah swt has designed His beloved creation with intricate detailing. For us women, it is truly remarkable to see how much mercy and beauty Has has crafted us from the inside out, granting us maturity starting from a young age, and giving us special nearness to Him through every cycle.
In this workshop, learn about the 4 phases within the cycle and how to optimize our lifestyles from every aspect in our lives.
Sr. Pakeeza RN MSN will go over the stages of the cycle with interactive displays.
Ust. Yusra Ali will discuss the immaculate creation of the woman from the Quran and Sunnah, and how much love and tenderness we have been given from the Deen of Allah.
Refreshments and drinks will be shared, plus treats to learn how to improve our diets!
Yaseen Burlingame Center